Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Making Darth Fairy

It all started with a google search that returned unexpected results, as so many things in my life do. I don't even remember what I was searching for when the picture of a pink princess Vader showed up. But the damage was done. My Princess Fierce saw it...and wanted to be it. We had an old pink dress from Halloween 2008 that I knew could be repurposed to this end so I told her I would make her one for Halloween. But then Princess Fierce did something better. She sparked her own creativity and decided instead of being a Princess Vader she would be...Darth Fairy! And she needed it created before Halloween so she could wear it to our annual viewing of the Dragon*Con parade on Labor Day weekend. 

For three years now we've taken the kiddos downtown the Saturday of Labor Day weekend to watch the Dragon*Con parade. The first year we barely made parade time and the kids were sad they weren't in costume like so many other specators. The next year we arrived sooner with two clone troopers and a fairy in tow. 
Two Clone Troopers on a MARTA Train last year
This year Thing One had completed reading the Harry Potter books and wanted to go as Harry Potter in his quidditch robe. As luck had it we had one of those in the dress up trunk but it had been much abused. However it was easily hemmed and spiffed up with new leather tie. We also happened to have a golden snitch so with a snip of some fingers off an old pair of gloves and quick flick of the sewing wrist the snitch was attached to his custom fingerless quidditch gloves. All the better to not lose the snitch and pose theatrically. His ensemble was completed by the large plastic Nimbus 2000 his grandmother gave him when he was three. To which he quietly at that young age inquired, "will I fly?"
Harry Potter
Thing Two wanted to be a Clone Trooper again but this time with the addition of his gun from Halloween past. And of course little girl still wanted to be Darth Fairy.  With last year's fairy costume in hand I set out to make her dreams come true. We had an old Darth Vader mask that I primed and spray painted lavender. Princess Fierce brought me a broken toy crown that I took apart, painted green, added purple glitter sparkles and mounted to the mask. I redesigned the straps to the mask to be purple and green ribbon from the sides and one piece with loops across the top. Allowing me to tie a bow through the loop and basically make a net that sat on her head. She was ecsatic. The mask wasn't too tight but yet did not slip. She wore it comfortably for most of 8 hours.
Lavender Vader Mask with Crown
With mask done I moved on to what every good fairy needs...a wand. I found some adorable lavender flowers for half price at Hobby Lobby. Score! I spray painted a styrofoam ball, with thumb pressed dimple. I added on Death Star detail with a green sharpie then glued it into the flower's center. Add some green and lavender ribbon to the flower stem and we have the Death Star Flower Wand.
A Death Star Never Smelled So Sweet
The final touch was Vader's control panel. Using a picture of Vader for a guide I cut out pieces of purple and green felt and glued them down to a purple panel. Stitched the panel on to the fairy costume and Darth Fairy was born.
Darth Fairy
Thing Three was so excited to wear her Darth Fairy to the Dragon*Con parade she squealed! She became a little overwhelmed by all the requests by strangers to take her picture that morning but also reveled in attention and praise. And I will admit I was pretty proud of the way it turned out. Rock on Darth Fairy!
Darth Fairy Complete
Taking to the streets of downtown Atlanta.
Props at Rest
Dragon*Con Parade 2010, click for more pictures
Taking Aim
After the parade the kids seek out favorite characters for photos.
Darth Fairy hoped she'd be able to find her favorite, Cat Woman, again this year. Score!
Harry Potter only wanted to be photographed with his own kind this year.
There were no happier kids on this day.
Until next year, Dragon*Con.


  1. Very Crafty! Catwoman was my fave.

  2. Seriously can't wait until this blog is discovered by the masses. So polished, varied, inspired, inspirational, classy-but-with-attitude. Keep going. Build it and they will continue to come.

  3. Yes,the coolest mom in the world! And a really pretty daughter! I think that next year here in Italy we'll see many Darth Fairy :D

  4. Thanks. I love the idea of a squished fairy. My boys were trying to talk my daughter into being Fairy Potter this year. 

  5. Thanks. My Star Wars items tend to get the most attention in my corner of the blog world. And I'm totally okay with that. :D Love your blog as well.
