Friday, October 15, 2010

Eyeball Necklace

When I saw this bouncy ball spider necklace in my facebook feed earlier this week, I was reminded I had extra bouncy eyeballs from my eyeball wreath project. I also happened to have a pair of white girl's tights in my craft stash to make a spider sac decoration.

I grabbed the tights. I only need one leg for the spider sac.

No problem then to cut off a leg for this project too.

Drop a bouncy ball eye in the leg and knot on each side. Repeat.

Tie ends together and hand over to Princess Fierce. She loves it! 

I think it would be better done with less opaque tights. Also I would definitely need to use ladies' hose for an adult necklace; this is just long enough for my little girl. I still have more balls, perhaps the adult version will follow.

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